2000 District 42 Race Results

Updated: Sept 23, 2000

3/12            Snowball Crit #1
3/18            Shamrock Crit
3/26            Jefferson Cup
		Race report
4/2             Snowball Crit #2
4/15            Charles City RR
5/3             TBC Wednesday TT Series  
5/7		Winning Edge
5/28		Winning Edge
5/29            Tour de Festival Crit
		Crit results
6/4             Battlefield Crit (tentative)
6/7             TBC Wednesday TT Series  
6/18            Richbrau Crit
6/25            Amphibious Assault
7/2             Smithfield Crit
7/8 - 7/9       Blacksburg Stage Race
		Photos from Blacksburg TT
		Photos from Blacksburg RR
7/16            D20/D42 Age-Graded RR
7/23            VA State Crit
8/6             VA State RR
8/27            Ford Cycling Classic
9/3             VA State TT
9/12            Bryan Park Series, Final race
9/17            Salem Crit

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