Virginia State Omnium Series

The VA State Time Trial, VA State Crit, and the VA State Road Race comprise the Va State Omnium Series. The 13 categories for the Va. State Omnium Series are:

        Senior Men
        Vet Women (35+)
        Vet Men (35+)
        Vet Men (45+)
        10-12 Jr. (M/F)
        13-14 Jr. (M/F)
        15-16 Jr. (M/F)
        16-18 Jr. (M/F)

The winners of the Va. State Omnium series will receive the VA State Champion Jersey and will receive free entry in all district 42 events (in the category of their championship) until the next years champions are crowned.

The Point system for the Va. State Omnium series will be the same as a Category B district 42 BAR event. All events have the same point system/value. Points and places will only be awarded to USCF racers whose license indicates Virginia as their state of residence.

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Bill Henderson