Score Computation for Gisela Bell (Women3)

Questions about scoring?

12 out of 16 races count toward the BAR

Races marked in RED do not count toward BAR points.

State Championship RR (Sun - senior)Rogue Velo Racing252
Smithfield TTRogues Racing145
Chesapeake CritRogue Velo Racing334.5
PGT TTRogue Velo Racing130
Canal TTRogue Velo Racing226
USO CritRogue Velo Racing420
Battle of the Border AM racesRogue Velo Racing517
Battle of the Border PM racesRogue Velo Racing517
Langley Speedway517
Page County RRRogue Velo Racing913.5
Page County CritRogue Velo Racing811
Page County TTRogue Velo Racing115

The Team listed for each race is the team that was listed on the results sheet for that race. If you have not changed teams, they should all be the same