Wm 3/4 still on the way. I'll also put in field sizes when I get home tonight (I had them all written down but gave them to my CR-maybe he'd be kind enought to post them so I don't have to figure them out again;-). Thanks to all who came and raced!
-Ruth Stornetta
Sr 5 1 Kelle Ryan Tri-Power 2 Paul Flannigan Hilton Cycling Club 3 Todd Hipp lanterne Rouge 4 Dave Galvin UVA Cycling 5 Eric Fletcher CRC 6 Tim Starkey Tri-power 7 Doug Cullom James River Velo Sport 8 Tim Scesney 9 Bob Newman CRC 10 Jon Woodward NCVC 11 Matt Weston 12 Paul Berry UVA Cycling Team 13 Ryan Elliott Monticello Velo Club 14 Chip Lubsen Evolution / Pedal-N-Spoke 15 Robert Leach Evolution Cycling Club 16 Mark Stephenson CRC 17 Mark Meier UVA Cycling 18 Billy Kliner Evolution Cycling/Pedal-N-Spoke 20 Richard Caperton NCVC 21 Brett Davis Evolution Cycling Club 22 Steven Grant NCVC 23 Thomas Houff Richmond Ciclismo 24 Steven Adelman Embestida 25 Tony Moreno NCVC-Edge Technologies 26 Tupper Cole National Capital Velo Club/Edge Technologies 27 Jason Steed Richmond Ciclismo 28 Michael Gnatek Evolution/Pedal-N-Spoke 29 Tim Konold CRC/Extreme Sports 30 Edmond Cadieux Cobblestone 31 James Davidson Richmond Ciclismo 32 David Hyde unattached 33 Russ Rainer Team Cobblestone/Nature's Path 34 Alfred Perreca Richmond Ciclismo 35 Ed Daniel unattached 36 Andrej Rasevic 37 Tom Westcot Cat 4 6 1 Charles Goble Team Cobblestone 7 2 Andrew Malizio all american bicycle club 10 3 Michael Hosang tripower 11 4 Jonathan Sheffield Bike Stop 15 5 Mario Sanchez BATTLEY CYCLES/ GEORGETOWN PROSHOP 17 6 Mark Connelly 18 7 Nick Blend Team Cobblestone 19 8 Craig Griffin CRC/Extreme Sports 21 9 Christopher Wiedmaier Evolution Cycling Club 22 10 Ryan Owens blackwater bike shop racing team 23 11 Hawker Dawes Mapei-Team Diabetic 25 12 Chris Haringer NCVC/Edge Technologies 29 13 Mike Bradbury Evolution Cycling Club/Pedal-N-Spoke 30 14 James Strunk Richmond Ciclismo 31 15 Ryan Guttridge Lateral Stress Velo 32 16 Mitch Ferro Evolution Cycling Club 34 17 Ken Woodrow SquadraCoppi 36 18 Derron Blakely Evolution Cycling 37 19 Sean Borrie Unattached 39 20 Pablo Arias 3D Racing Team 41 21 Wesley King Team Cobblestone 43 22 James Revere Team Cobblestone 45 23 Alessandro Pessotto Lantene Rouge 46 24 Bryan Sorrell Atlantic Velo 47 25 Stratton Delany Richmond Ciclismo Cat 3 1 1 Ben Landers Rockville Harley-Davidson/Bicycle Pro Shop 2 2 Steven Jadatz Team Embestida 3 3 Chris Decker NCVC/Edge Technologies 4 4 Jon Gaudio Richmond Ciclismo 5 5 Chardin Detrich Team Snow Valley 8 6 Julian Brown Artemis 9 7 David Goodrum Evolution / Pedal-N-Spoke 12 8 Roland Haarbrink Squadra Coppi/IM Saab 13 9 Bill Malone Team Cobblestone 14 10 Constantinos Tombras Squadra Coppi/IM Saab 16 11 Robb Hampton Battley Cycles/Bicycle Pro Shop 20 12 Andrew Hong battley cycles/bicycle pro shop 24 13 Chris Davidson Rt 1 Velo 26 14 Greg Abbott NCVC/Edge Technologies 27 15 Stewart Kidston Evolution Cycling 28 16 David Burnette Evolution/Pedal-n-Spoke 33 17 Jeff Chown NCVC/Edge Technologies 35 18 Victor Siegfried Evolution Cycling Club 38 19 Thomas Ragland Squadra Coppi/IM Saab 40 20 Peter Lindeman NCVC/Edge Technology 42 21 Dan Lader M Street Racing 44 22 Garner Woodall Battley Cycles/Bicycle Pro Shop Cat 1,2,3 1 Scottie Weiss subway-express cycling team 2 Peter Baker Team Snow Valley 3 Ian Ayers Colavita/Bolla 4 Chris Herby OLP Racing 5 Cam Holland Team Snow Valley 6 Owen Nielsen OLP / Queen City Velo 7 Zach Browne NCVC/Edge 8 R Muoio LSV/Trek 9 Christopher Beck LSV/KELLY 10 Curtis Staples Cycles De Oro/Giant 11 Edward Brignole LSV/Kelly 12 Reed Tanger Evolution / Pedal-N-Spoke 13 Don Autore 14 Andrew Olson Richmond Cilismo 15 Paul Ward Atlantic Velo 16 Ed Krasnai Bike Doctor/Cannondale 17 Chris Hardee LSV/Trek/VW 18 Rich Harper Cane Creek 19 George Ganoung US Armed Forces 20 John DeLong Chester County Cycling Foundation 21 John Teal Embestida/Mendocino Grille 22 Thomas Nelson Bike Doctor/Bayside Valo 23 Jeb stewart Atlantic Shores Velo 24 Kyle Mendenhall SP Imports/Palani Drive 25 Steve Lusby LSV/Kelly 26 Ryan McKinney Team Snow Valley 27 Zach Zimmerman Bike Doctor/Cannondale 28 Andreew Wulfkuhle LSV/Kelly 29 Todd Helmick Trek/VW 30 Simon Walker NCVC/Edge 31 Chris Foster subway-express cycling team 32 Mike White NCVC/EDGE 33 Ian Birlem Rockville Harley Davidson 34 Darek Bushnaq LSV/Trek/Vw 35 James Wagner DC Velo Club 36 Jon Wirsing Team Snow Valley 37 Jason Meidhof NCVC/Edge 38 Jay Moglia NCVC/Edge 39 Gregory Vadas DC VELO 40 Peter Stewart LSV/Kelly 41 Paul Mica NCVC/Edge 42 Leigh Carter SP Imports/Palani Drive 43 Brad Viera Team Snow Valley 44 Nils Dennis Bike Doctor/Cannondale 45 Paul Tower LSV/Kelly 46 Thomas Gillespie 3 Sports Endure 47 Brian Butts Embestida/Mendocino Grille 49 Kristopher Auer LSV/Trek/VW 50 Ryan DeWald Team Snow Valley 52 Dan Peairs Virginia Tech Cycling U 53 Aldan Charles Capital Velo Club 54 Matt Forbes Richmond Ciclismo 50+ 1 1 Bernie Sanders Blue Ridge Bicycle Club 2 2 Scott Haverstick ERA Cycling 4 3 Joh Cox CHESAPEAKE WHEELMEN / KING PAWN 5 4 Craig Clark Evolution Cycle 7 5 Barry Rumsey lateral stress velo,inc 8 6 Mario Steven DC Velo 9 7 Russ Nichols Team Snow Valley 11 8 Glenn Eyler Atlantic Velo 12 9 David Pray Team West Virginia 13 10 Scott Olson Team BBC (Baltimore Bicycle Club) 14 11 William Neumann Team Snow Valley 15 12 Gary Hoffman dc velo 16 13 Dana Ormerod Era Cycling 17 14 Dennis Rainear Contes/Cycor 18 15 Kerry Scanlon DC Velo 20 16 Paul Langlois Team Snow Valley 21 17 Temple Washington Evolution Cycling/Pedal-N-Spoke 22 18 Michael Hill Chesapeake Wheelmen/King Pawn 23 19 Bob Walters Team Snow Valley 25 20 William Care ERA Cycling 26 21 Steven Kellam Evolution Cycling Club 27 22 Phil Hepburn 30 23 David Swager Team Cobblestone 31 24 Ken Sheck Winchester Wheelmen 32 25 Peter Nye NCVC/EDGE 33 26 Paul Evans Monticello Velo Club 34 27 Robert Carter hilton cycling team 35 28 Mike Harris Chesapeake Wheelmen 36 29 Bill Conoscenti TriPower 37 30 James Bradac All American Bicycle Club 38 31 Patrick Hurley JRVS 39 32 Daniel Kole Evolution Cycling/Pedal-N-Spoke 46 33 Paul Martin Team BBC (Baltimore Bicycling) 47 34 Timothy Barry DC Velo 49 35 Joe Phillips Chesapeake Wheelmen/King Pawn 50 36 James Carlson Potomac Velo Club 54 37 Tom Doyle CyCor 55 38 David Hammond NCVC/EDGE Technologies 57 39 Michael Crider Team BBC 58 40 Peter Swan NCVC/Edge Technololgies 61 41 Gary Clay ecvelo 63 42 Harold Leibovitz NCVC/Edge Technologies 64 43 James DeGoey Evolution/Pedal-n-Spoke 65 44 Rick Miller Evolution 60+ 5 1 Barry Free ERA Cycling 28 2 Jean-Claude Laboudigue DC Velo 42 3 Giulo Porta Potomac Velo Club 43 4 Hank Banta NCVC/Edge Technologies 44 5 Merrick Frampton VCB Legg Mason - Race Pace 45 6 Wayne Durham East Coasters 62 7 Kenton Pattie unattached 40+ 1 1 Dave Osborne ARTEMIS 2 2 Roger Friend Monticello Velo Club 7 3 Richard Creed Cane Creek/Smith Barney 10 4 Michael McGraw DC Velo 11 5 James Marsh Patuxent Velo 15 6 Bill Gros Squadra Coppi/IM SAAB 16 7 Keith Mitchell 18 8 Bill Luecke NCVC/Edge Technologies 19 9 Mark King CRC 20 10 David Rushing JRVS 21 11 Bernie Gumucio DC VELO 22 12 Mark Sommers DC Velo 24 13 Marc Fraser LSV/Kelly 25 14 Spencer Beckett Team Snow Valley 26 15 Jeff Lawson TriPower 27 16 George Wysor AMVC/DMD, Inc 29 17 Harlan Ward Atlantic Velo 30 18 David Wilson Whole Wheel Velo Club 31 19 Jim Frith greensboro velo club 32 20 Tom Meyer 33 21 Tim Davenport Hilton Cycling Club 34 22 Curtis Lightburn Artemis 35 23 Don Saroff SQUADRA COPPI/IM SAAB 36 24 Scott Hodder 3D Racing Team 37 25 Tom Fournier 39 26 Rick Tucker all amrican bike club 41 27 Tony Bilotta CRC 42 28 Brian Johnston NCVC/Edge Technologies 44 29 Joshua Simonds DC VELO Club 45 30 James Bellora Squadra Coppi/IM SAAB 48 31 Tom Buzas M Street Racing 49 32 Grant Soma Team Snow Valley 50 33 Les Wynn Richmond Cyclismo 52 34 John Conway 3D 53 35 Rob Saunders Squadra Coppi/IM Saab 55 36 Jeff Weatherly 58 37 Scott Paisley MVC 60 38 Joseph Notarnicola Richmond Ciclismo Wm 1,2,3 3 1 Jenette Williams LSV/Kelly 10 2 Andrea Dvorak Snow Valley 19 3 Nancy Jadatz Snow Valley 23 4 Michelle Holland Snow Valley 24 5 Patty Shoaf Spin Cycle/Duke Sports Medicine 29 6 Susan Hefler LSV/Kelly 44 7 Meghan Morse LSV/Kelly 48 8 Marni Harker Revolution 58 9 Connie Maxwell Hilton Cycling Club 30+ 3 1 Mike King Virginia Beach Velo/East Coast Bicycles 4 2 Eric Williams Team Snow Valley 5 3 Rammon Benitez Artemis 6 4 Paul Basler Team Snow Valley 8 5 Jack Miller BCA/Tosk 9 6 James Estes Team Conte's/Hilton Cycling Club 12 7 Eric Frost Team Snow Valley 13 8 Michael Davis Team Snow Valley 14 9 Matt Mega Richmond Ciclismo 17 10 Gene Rutledge VBV/ECB 23 11 Trevor Bennington VBV/ East Coast Bicycles 28 12 John Hessian MVC 34 13 Arch Mckown team snow valley 38 14 Victor Klejman DC Velo 40 15 Roger Gorke UC Santa Barbara 43 16 Paul Muething Team Army 46 17 Rob Dinterman Virginia Beach Velo/East Coast Bikes 47 18 Olof Hemdal DC Velo 51 19 Erik Engle 54 20 Mitchell Luck Artemis 56 21 Terry Ashby Richmond Ciclismo 57 22 Adam Phillips East Cost Bicycles/VA Beach Velo 59 23 Matthew Marchal Richmond Ciclismo