Officials Clinics

Clinics that will serve both for new officials as well as for updates for experienced officials will be held from 10:00 am to about 4:00 pm:

Feb 21 at the Innsbrook Branch Library in Richmond directions

Feb 22 at Mike Ashe's office in Va Beach (713 19th Street) directions:

From Charlottesville or Richmond just take I64 East to Norfolk. Then at the intersection with I264, take I264 [formerly VB Expressway] to Va. Beach and at the very end of the expressway there is a stoplight at Parks Ave (the Town Bank building is on your left). Turn right and go to the end of that street [ just 2 blocks]. That is 19th Street. Turn left toward the oceanfront and 713 is on your left just about 50 feet away from your last turn onto 19th Street. The left side of the building is a restaurant ["ZOE"S]. I am on the right side of the building. we share the parking lot.

There is no charge for the clinic. You are not required to register but it would help if I had an idea who is coming (e-mail rs3j[at]

-Ruth Stornetta