Attending: Jim Bowen, Michael Shipp, Chris Conway, Aaron Prowett, Mandy Sutton, Kristin Anders, Dennis Rainear, Bill Conoscenti, Jeff Lawson, Randy Collins, Ruth Stornetta, Bill Henderson, Jake Helmboldt, Stephanie Tuttle, Rob Suydam, Tom Doyle, Charlie Petersen, John Huth, Liz Schleeper
In the absence of President Bill Collins, the meeting was called to order by Vice President Liz Schleeper.
Introductions of all attendees and identification of their club affiliation.
Race Schedule for 2004 Tentative
Discussion about the races for 2004, both BAR (13 events initially proposed) and non-BAR (training) races. Bill Henderson will separately report the list.
Discussion regarding the Commonwealth Games and its choice to limit participants based on residency. It was agreed that this should remain a BAR race despite the exclusionary status. Jake mentioned that people can apply for temporary status with a D42 team under USCF rules if there is a big issue with not being able to participate.
Budget Report from Treasurer Jake Helmboldt (copy attached). Approximately $1000 net in the current account. One bounced check for $156 from Wintergreen race.
Discussed items needed to be purchased by the Association for improved racing in 2004. Several good suggestions were made by Randy Collins and discussed by the attendees.
Need a form or invoice to go to race directors at time of race initiation (already on the D42 webpage)
Randy discussed race equipment needed for a kit: ladder, tent, boxes, camera, batteries, etc.
Discussed need for a non-paid Technical Director to advise race promoters. Randy volunteered for this role and the group approved his appointment. Duties discussed but still need firming up by the Board to include outlining race procedures for promoters, flyer info, equipment info, general checklist.
Rainer and Henderson agreed to help Randy develop a checklist to be utilized by Technical Director and reps who will help him.
Decided each race promoter must provide step ladder; D42 will NOT provide this.
D42 Board agreed to buy camera mount $25, BAR jerseys $1600, reimburse Ruth Stornetta's travel for providing two official's clinics $200, tape head cleaner $100, monitor $60, power patch cord $10, flip chart lap board $40, file box/postage/envelopes $150, expenses for Liz Schleeper to distribute 2004 calendar to about 50 bike shops $100.
Randy also opened discussion on the eventual need for radios to be purchased by D42. The group agreed unanimously to purchase the radios when the $$ is available.
Suggestion made to have a moto ref required for each race, even crits.
Randy also proposed that permanent numbers be purchased. Discussion, but no vote.
1:00 Team Status
VP Liz Schleeper reviewed the list of area teams that have not formalized their membership as D42 member teams. These included
It was suggested that these teams receive a letter from D42 asking if they wish to officially join D42 and explaining the benefits of joining and the problems of not joining for any BAR winning teammates.
Jersey winners pay full price is the team is not a member in good standing of D42.
Discussion regarding several options for requiring an extra fee for non-member teams. No decision.
Discussion regarding requiring every team to have at least one licensed official. No decision.
Discussion regarding reduced fees to teams to encourage getting new officials. No decision.
2:00 BAR/Omnium
Discussion about rule revisions and point scoring.
Decided that all Omnium State Championship races (TT, Crit and RR) will be scored as 1.5 times the regular point total to give extra recognition and incentive to the events.
Discussion regarding protests. Decision made to only allow protest by the racer or his/her coach who must show a coach license. No parent, sibling, child, etc of a racer can protest a race result on behalf of a racer.
VA Omnium winner must be a VA resident or a member of a D42 team.
State TT Championship medal will be for 5 yr classes but the State TT BAR points will be per the D42 rules.
Significant discussion about creating new or different classes for both Men and Women.
Men 30+ changed to 35+
Lengthy debate on age, physiology, income, jobs, race risks, etc. Arguments for leaving D42 age groups as 30+, 40+, 50+.
Motion made, seconded and vote approved change to go to 5 yr increments for Men Masters for BAR and Omnium
It was recognized and approved that this adds 8 more BAR/Omnium categories and jerseys to be purchased.
Discussion about possibility for obtaining some commercial sponsorship of the BAR jerseys (example $500-$1000) to offset the expense. D42 would provide the sponsor(s) a modest logo on the BAR jersey. Discussion that the sponsor NOT be a bike shop that supports a race team, but could perhaps be an equipment supplier. Approved.
Discussion regarding reward for winning BAR team as approved last year but not implemented. Discussion regarding a team champion patch to be applied to the jerseys of the member so the D42 Team Champion. Rob Suydam will continue investigation of options including a patch or socks for the winning team this year and years to come.
BAR winners pay 50% of jersey cost if a D42 team member. Non-members pay 100% of jersey cost. No change in this rule. The group emphasized that existing rule requires each D42 member team to promote a race during the season. Need not be a BAR race.
2:30 Officers, Roles, etc
For 2004 the new officers were approved as follows:
Area reps job is to assist the Technical Director in duties.
2:45 USA Cycling MOU Proposal
Bill Collins had circulated a proposal from USA Cycling for the D42 consideration, whereby USA Cycling would take over certain responsibilities and D42 would agree to encourage race promoters to get their races USA Cycling sanctioned. The attendees agreed that the proposal was worth pursuing. The MOU was voted on as to whether to pursue LA status. Vote was in favor authorizing the Board to investigate further. If the Agreement was executed by D42 it would apparently create initial income of $4500 to the District. There was discussion about liability, indemnification, insurance, etc. May need to obtain insurance for officers. Cost = $800 to $1500. Randy Collins had spoken to an attorney about D42 Association possibly becoming a non-profit organization or a 501c organization. No decision made except to pursue investigation by the Board.
3:10 PM Adjourned
Some bagels remained uneaten.