Chesapeake Time Trial

Northwest River Park - Chesapeake, VA

Sunday - May 5th, 2002

D42 BAR Event

USCF Permit Pending

Time: Park opens at 8:00am, first rider off at 9:00am

Course: Flat, 16 mile loop. All roads are open to traffic

Prize List: $125 - top five places Open Men; $100 - top five places Masters; $75 - top five places Open Women

* D42 BAR Points awarded to the top fifteen finishers in each BAR Category:








Men I & II




Women Open







Women 35+



Men IV




Women IV



Men V




Junior 10-14



Men 30+




Junior 15-16



Men 40+




Junior 17-18



Men 50+







Registration:  Entry limited to the first 90 riders. EARLY REGISTRATION IS ENCOURAGED! Add $5 late fee on all entries postmarked after May 1st. Registration will open at 8:00am and will close at 9:15am.
All entrants must have a current USCF license or MUST purchase a One-Day License at registration. Riders under 18 years of age are required to have a parent/guardian signature. ANZI Z90.4 helmets are mandatory in all events. All USCF rules apply.

Mail Standard Entry/Release form with check payable to:

Virginia Beach Velo

c/o Marc Winder

3509 W. Coral Key

Virginia Beach, VA 23452


* Cat V riders will not be charged a late fee


Directions:  From I64 take exit 291B, continue on 168 south to Hillcrest Parkway East (exit 8B). At second stoplight take a right onto Battlefied Boulevard. Continue to Indian Creek Road (approx 6 miles). Turn left (there is a Citgo there) and travel approximately 5 miles to Northwest River Park.  .

More Information:  For more information about the event log onto BCS/Toshiba Racing website or email Marc Winder.
Please visit Northwest River Park's website for more information about the park and its facilities. After the race enjoy boating, fishing, hiking or horseback riding. Camping is also available at the park, see website for details.