Virginia District Cycling Assn
Annual Meeting Minutes

The 2000 annual meeting took place on December 12 in Richmond, VA and had 13 attendees, including Dave & Judy Miller (USCF Trustee and USCF Regional Rep respectively). In Jonathan Devich's absence Ruth Stornetta conducted the meeting.

The first item of discussion was the 2001 event calendar which was transcribed to a separate document. After setting tentative dates all parties agreed to finalize and confirm their dates by January 15, 2001. Any changes will be reflected in an updated calendar if applicable.

Following calendar discussions the agenda switched to race official assignments and training for interested parties. It was reiterated that it is imperative for promoters to get officials assigned to their events in advance of the race date.

Bill Collins recommended that the USCF be encouraged to initiate web-based official training classes for entry level officials, thereby making training more accessible and broadening the potential pool of officials that may later advance to a higher category of officiating.

Judy Miller spoke to several rule changes that have been implemented by the USCF as follows:

As a result, the discussion turned to the issue of involvement in the Mid-Atlantic Racing newsletter. The question was raised as to whether the district will be better served by spending the approximately $1000 annually on the newsletter or directing those funds towards mailers sent to targeted shops and clubs in the Southeast region. This specifically addressed concerns of teams in southeast and southwest Virginia which are located far from MD and DE.

It was determined that the regions events, teams and promoters would be better served by doing so and attempting to network with some of the more prominent organization, shops, and teams in the southeast. As a result, Bill Collins has volunteered to compile the BAR events calendar and make up flyers that are to be sent or distributed to that region. The primary mailings to the southeast region will take place on two occasions, February and June and will be accomplished with a bulk mailing permit for minimal postage expenditures.

The digital camera purchased last year will now have a monitor with a case provided by Bob Devich for transport to races and which may be transferred to each subsequent promoter for the next race on the calendar. A series of motions were initiated and approved with unanimous consent including the following:

Agenda moved to the election of officers for the 2001 calendar year.

Due to Jonathan now residing in AZ Jeff Parker's role as V.P. will encompass some of Jonathan's duties that require a more direct presence in VA.

Dave Miller then addressed some additional rule changes for 2001:

Ruth Stornetta moved to adjourn and the day's events closed at 12:15 pm.