Richbrau Criterium
Sunday, June 18, 2000
Bryan Park, Richmond, VA.

VA BAR Points are awarded to the Top Ten finishers in each BAR division.

Register Online

Category               Distance             Prizes             Places  Time
--------------------   -------------------- ----------------   ------  -------
Masters 50+            45 Minutes + 3 Laps  $50 or 50% Entries  5     9:00 a.m.
Juniors (13-18 Yrs)    40 Minutes + 3 Laps  $50 or 50% Entries  5     9:01 a.m.

Masters 40+            45 Minutes + 3 Laps  $50 or 50% Entries  5    10:00 a.m.
Masters 30+            45 Minutes + 3 Laps  $50 or 50% Entries  5    11:00 a.m.

Women 1, 2, 3, 4       45 Minutes + 3 Laps  $50 or 50% Entries  5    12:00 a.m.

Public Men *           30 Minutes + 3 Laps  Trophies            3     1:00 p.m.
Public Women *         25 Minutes + 3 Laps  Trophies            3     1:01 p.m.

Senior Men 4, 5        60 Minutes + 3 Laps  $200                7     2:00 p.m.
Senior Men 1, 2, 3     90 Minutes + 3 Laps  $500               10     3:15 p.m.

Entry Fees: $15 - Licensed Juniors
            $18 - Licensed Preregistration Postmarked By June 10th, 2000.
            $23 - Licensed Race Day Registration
            *   $23 - Unlicensed (Includes $5 One-Day License Surcharge)

Registration: Opens at 8:00 am and closes 15 minutes before the start of each race. Events are held rain or shine. All start times are approximate. All entrants must have a current USCF license or MUST purchase a One-Day License at registration. Riders under 18 years of age are required to have a parent's signature. ANSI Z90.4 helmets are mandatory in all events. No aero bars. All USCF rules apply. Field limit in all races is 75 riders maximum.

This event is conducted under a permit issued by USA Cycling.

Course Description: 6/10-Mile oval with two 90-degree turns.


From the North on I-95 (there is no exit for Bryan Park, so you will drive 2 miles past it, U-turn and come back), 1) Take Exit-78 (Boulevard), 2) At end of the exit ramp make a U-turn and take the entrance ramp to get onto I95-North, 3) Drive 2 miles and follow the directions below.

From the South, East, or West of Richmond, 1) Take I95-North, 2) Take Exit-80 (Lakeside Ave), 3) Bear right, 4) At the light turn right onto Lakeside Ave., 5) Cross over I-95, 6) Turn left into Joseph Bryan Park, 7) Continue ? mile and take the 1st left (Note: bathrooms are on your left), 8) Follow signs to race-parking.

Mail standard Entry/Release form with a check payable to:

            Richbrau Cycling
            c/o Mark Patrick=20
            1915 Floyd Ave
            Richmond, VA. 23220

Race Questions: Call Mark Patrick, Day: (804) 673-5837. Visit our web site at

This race is brought to you by CyCorHCC and its sponsors:
Conte's Bicycles & Fitness Equipment, Richbrau Brewing Company, VCU/Medical College of Virginia Dermatology, The Surrey House Restaurant & Inn,, The Grass Hut Restaurant, Colonial Chevrolet, Cannondale, Specialized, Thule. Mavic.