The National Capital Velo Club presents the

Poolesville High School Road Race

In memory of Judith Flannery
Proceeds to benefit Poolesville High School

Saturday, May 13, 2000

New Course for 2000

Course Description and Layout:
Rolling, country roads. 1 mile hardpacked dirt per lap. Depart Poolesville HS. South on West Willard. Right on Offut. Left on Edwards Ferry. Right on River (dirt). Right on Elmer School. Right on Whites Ferry. Right on Edwards Ferry. Left on Westerly. 15 miles per lap.

Special Notes:
Race day late fee: $5. Unattached fee: $5. Rain or shine. Registration opens 7:30. No parking at Start/Finish. Held under USCF Permit. Field Limit 75. No warming up/cooling down on course: bring a trainer. Please be considerate of our hosts, the residents of Poolesville. We will have zero tolerance for public urination, obstruction of traffic, and obscenity.

From the Washington Beltway (I495): Take I270 N to Exit 6, Rt 28 West (Poolesville) Take 28 west about 10 miles. Veer left onto Whites Ferry Rd into Poolesville. Turn left onto West Willard Rd and left into Poolesville HS. Total distance about 12 miles.

From the North: Take I270 South to exit 22, Route 109 West (Old Hundred Rd) In Barnesville, MD, turn right onto Barnesville Rd and then left onto 109 South, now Beallsville Rd. At Whites Ferry Rd/Fischer Rd, turn right and then left onto West Willard Rd to Poolesville HS. Total distance about 12 miles.

NCVC c/o Michael Cohen
8806 Tudor Ln
Manassas, VA 20110
or online at until May 10th

Info: Andy 703 731-3624

Hammergel Challenge

$99+Hammergel to the rider who places the best in both a morning and afternoon race (must be in the top 20 of both races).

                 Start Laps Distance Prize     Paying Entry
                             miles   list      places fee
Master 40+/50+  9:00   3    45      $200/$100   7/3  $23
Cat 4/5         9:05   3    45      $100        7    $23
Women (*)       9:10   3    45      $300(+)     6    $23
Pro/1/2/3      12:00   5    75      $600        12   $23
Community      12:01
Master 30+     12:40   4    60      $300        10   $23
Cat 3/4        12:45   4    60      $300        10   $23

(*) Women 4 scored separately

(+) If attendance warrants, prize list will be increased to maintain parity with 1/2/3