Monticello Velo Club presents the

10th annual Jefferson Cup

March 26, 2000
10:00 AM & 1:30 P.M.
Walton School near Charlottesville, VA

Dist 42 BAR race
D20 BAR race
USCF permit # 2000-00196

USCF racers:
$18 pre-reg
$23 race day

checks for USCF races to:
19 Elliewood Ave.
Charlottesville, VA 22903

More info: Fred Miller (804) 977-1870

Race day registration opens at 9:00 a.m.- 9:45 a.m.
Opens again at noon-1:15 p.m.

Wm3,4/Collegiate Wm	10:00 am	30 miles
field limit 50
$60/3pl Wm 3's
$45/3 pl Wm 4's

Cat 5/Collegiate C 10:00 am 30 miles field limit 50 Medals/ 3 pl

Pro,1,2/Collegiate A 1:30 pm 70 miles field limit 100 $165/5 pl

3/30+/40+** 1:30 pm 50 miles field limit 80 $60/3 pl $60/3 pl $50/3 pl ** May only enter one of these categories, no double entries in simultaneous races.

Cat 4 1:30 pm 40 miles field limit 80 $45/3 pl

More info on the collegiate races at:

Other prizes include: Engraved Jefferson Cup to winner for Pro-1-2, 3-30+40+ and Wm. Coveted chocolate bunny to first across the line in each race field.

Race goes rain or shine, snow cancels.

from the 64 corridor: take Route 20 South at the Monticello Exit. Follow 7 miles to Rt. 708. Turn right, Walton School is on your right.

From 29 in Charlottesville, take 29 bypass South toward Lynchburg. Follow 29 South to Route 708 (Sign for Walnut Creek Park). Turn left on 708, follow all the way almost to the intersection with route 20 about 6-7 miles. Walton School is on your left.