Chesapeake Road Classic
Saturday, April 1, 2000

Several of these fields have filled every year for the last 5 years. If you do not want to get closed out - pre register. We will update the status of the fields on the hotline 1 or 2 days before the event.

10K loop on flat smooth roads. Yellow line rule.

You may enter a 2nd event the day of the race for $10.00.

This is a D20 BAR event.

Category      Distance    Laps      Start     Entry Fee    Prize List *
Masters 50+/   50km       5         9:00A      20.00        100/5
Womens Open                                                 100/5 

Women IV       40km       4         9:01       20.00         50/3
Masters 30+    70km       7        10:30A      20.00        200/8

4/5            60km       6        10:31       20.00        200/8
1/2/3          80km       8        12:30P      20.00        300/8

Masters 40+    60km       6        12:32       20.00        200/8

Master's 50+ and Women's Open races will be a combined field with a separate purse and scoring for each class.

(*) or 1/2 net gate whichever is less

Max field: 80 Min Field: 30

Course Description: Located in Tuckahoe State Park, 10 miles SE of Centreville, MD.. 10 km circuit on flat smooth roads. Center line rule will be enforced.

Directions: From Route 301 on Maryland's Eastern Shore, go east on Route 304 4.5 miles, turn right on Route 481 and go south 2.5 miles, turn left on Crouse Mill Road and continue 1 mile to parking on the left.

Race Rain or Shine - Registration opens at 7:45 AM

Race day entry and those entries postmarked after 3/27/00 add $5.00 late fee. Entry includes USCF insurance and district fee. Send check (to: Team Snow Valley) and completed 2000 standard release form to:

Team Snow Valley
1510 Flynt Place           Call Hotline: 410-721-8990
Crofton, MD. 21114

USCF Permit Pending