Saturn/Family Service Ride

Saturn of Roanoke Valley and Saturn of Lynchburg, in cooperation with the Blue Ridge Bicycle Club, Cardinal Bicycle, and New River Riders Bike Shop are joining together and sponsoring a two-day biking and fundraising event for Family Service of Roanoke Valley.

Cyclists are invited to join in a breathtaking, interplanetary ride from the Saturn retail facility in Salem to the Saturn retail facility in Lynchburg on Saturday, June 24th. At the end of the ride, there will be massage therapists on-hand to soothe the biker's aching muscles and a cook-out to celebrate. The next day, the return trip offers Thunder Ridge to those who really need a challenge, and participants will cross the highest and lowest points on the Blue Ridge Parkway. Sunday's ride finishes at the Explore Park, where cyclists can join a bicycling festival there and will be shuttled back to their vehicles at Saturn.

Contact Dick Howard at 540-387-1795 to obtain a brochure or to register. Registration is free up until June 14th, with a $50 pledge minimum required. Discounted accomodations in Lynchburg are offered.

Family Service is a not-for-profit organization that has provided critical human services to those needing it since 1901.