520 Butler Farm Rd. Hampton, VA
Cash + $1500 in Merchandise
District 42 BAR Event
CATEGORY DISTANCE PLACES TIME JUNIORS 15 mi 3 9:30 MASTERS 30+ 25 mi 5 10:30 CATEGORY 5 20 mi 5 11:45 WOMEN 20 mi 4 12:45 CATEGORY 3 25 mi 5 1:45 MASTERS 40+/50+ 20 mi 4/3 3:15 CATEGORY 4 20 mi 5 4:15 CATEGORY 1/2/3/4 30 mi 7 5:15
Prizes for all categories will be 50% of the entry fees plus merchandise. All good merchandise, no junk.
Entry fees for all categories is $15.00. Entry fee includes $2 USCF Insurance, $1 District Association surcharge.
Unattached riders add $5. A late fee of $5.00 after May 19, 1999.
Submit entries on 1999 standard release forms to:
Information: Connie (757) 827-9817
Registration opens at 8:30 am and closes 15 minutes before each race. Events are held rain or shine. No phone entries or refunds. Start times are approximate. All entrants must have a current USCF license. Riders under 18 years of age must have a parent's signature. ANSI helmets mandatory in all events. No aero bars permitted. Promotor reserves the right to combine or cancel any race or category. Held under U.S. Cycling Federation Permit.
Course is 1/2 mile, flat, with four turns.
Directions: From I-64 west take the Magruder Blvd. exit. Turn left at the 3rd traffic light onto Butler Farm Rd. Race course is 3/4 mile on the right. From I-64 east take the Hampton Roads Parkway East exit. Take the Magruder Blvd. exit and turn left. Turn left at the next traffic light onto Butler Farm Rd. Race course is 3/4 mile on the right.