Gender 56 Male 5 Female Age Group 1 12-18 1 19-22 13 23-29 25 30-39 15 40-49 4 50-59 2 60+ License Category 8 5 23 4 18 3 7 2 1 1 0 Pro Nearest Urban Area 18 Richmond 17 Hampton Rds 10 Roanoke 7 DC/NoVA 6 Charlottesville 4 Fredericksburg 1 Lynchburg Racing Preferences: (Please list in order of preference. 1=most favorite) Road Race 1-21 2-20 3-11 4-2 Stage Race 1-16 2-9 3-10 4-9 Criterium 1-16 2-11 3-19 4-8 Time Trial 1-3 2-13 3-12 4-17 Track 1-1 2-1 Race weekend 1-23 2-3 3-5 4-2 Saturday only race 1-5 2-19 3-7 4-2 Sunday only race 1-11 2-7 3-12 4-1 Mid-week race 1-2 2-2 3-3 4-20 Which factors most influence your decision to enter an event? (Please choose 5 from the list below) 52 Type of race 51 Travel distance 41 Quality of event 26 Course design 25 Entry fee 25 Age group event 20 Separate Cat. event 19 The competition 16 Field size 14 Prize list (write-ins) 1 BAR 1 start time Which incentives do you feel will improve attendance at D42 events? (Please choose five from the list below) 32 Lower entry fees 31 Better advertising 26 More age graded events 25 More categories 24 Bigger purses 23 Better calendar 21 BAR points 18 Upgrade qualifying 16 Harder courses 7 Team points 6 Trophy/medal awards (write-ins) 1 categories like 30+ 4/5 1 grass roots effort to get people into racing 1 location What is the maximum travel time you will spend communting to or from a weekend race? 3 Under 1 hour 17 1 to 2 hours 26 2 to 4 hours 15 4 or more hours What resourses do you rely upon for your race information? (please check all appropriate) 53 Electronic Mail 50 D20 News 32 Velo News 25 Cycling USA 20 Direct Mail (Snail mail) 17 Club newsletter 11 Local Press (write-ins) 6 Web page 3 word of mouth 2 Bike shop 1 NC state calendar Please answer yes or no to the following questions: Did your club/team put on an event in 1997? Y 45 N 2 unatt 7 Did you support your club's event? Y 43 N 2 If yes, how? 35 Volunteer 34 Participate 8 Other Did you go to any races outside of District 42? Y 39 N 15 Where? 33 NVA/MD/DC/DE 17 PA/NJ 8 WV/TN 10 NC/SC 14 Other Which District 42 events did you attend in 1997? (check all that apply) 7 Freeze Your Butt Off Crit - Va Beach 12 Polar Bear Crit - Hampton 21 Jefferson Cup RR - Charlottesville 23 Shamrock Crit - Va Beach 13 Winning Edge Series - Hampton 4 Spring Collegiate/USCF Crit - Newport News 24 Charles City RR - Charles City Co. 22 PDO Crit - Richmond 13 Conte Memorial Crit - Hampton 13 ROC Hillclimb - Roanoke 16 Saturn Cup - Roanoke 20 James Madison SR - Greene Co. 8 Amphibious Assault Crit - Va Beach 9 Amelia Courthouse Crit - Amelia 11 Masters Omnium - Franklin 8 Lawyer Ashe Dash for Cash - Smithfield 19 State of VA Crit - Va Beach 6 HDK Crit - Newport News 6 Commonwealth Games - Roanoke 7 Simmer Sizzler - Hampton 2 District Track Championship - T-town 13 State of VA TT - Stoney Creek 6 State of VA RR (age graded) - Tuckahoe, MD 8 State of VA RR (seniors) - Charlottesville 3 New River Valley Speedway Crit - Roanoke 5 Tidewater Training Crit Series - Hampton 4 Starlight Crit series - Va Beach 17 Bryan Park series - RichmondComments:
For long range improvement of racing we need to get juniors involved. I don't have any good ideas, but other clubs in other areas may have had sucessful programs we need to look at. I think older racers will come to a race if there is an age group for them with minimal prize money.
I am new to racing. I am interested in helping and learning more about USCF races of all sorts.
do we know where the new riders come from? if its 30+ types, then more 30+ 4/5 races would help since 36 year old cat 4's like me can barely keep up with 22 year old riders who have nothing better to do than ride..
otherwise, its the same old thing of keeping people around. this can be done by strengthening clubs. a guidebook on how to run a club would be nice. include sections on financing a club, how to recruit members, put on a race, keep enthusiasm up, promote teamwork, etc.
More 45+, 50+ more baby boomers want to race. Hold/get back Cat III's by having a class for them, a 1,2,3 class is taking their money so they quit. Offer a choice, 2,3/3/3,4.
BILL, I'm in D20, but raced in D42 a bit. I concider the D20/42 as 1 district as drive time is generally minimal.
I still maintain a residence and club membership in the Chicago area. I find it easier and more enjoyable to race in that area - better age grading, fields, friendlier people, course access, etc.. Since I am a "casual" racer (do so only for fun 6-10 times / year), I found too much of an "attitude" here to enjoy racing. I'll probably stick with the club rides and race in other states until racers in this area put racing into perspective with life, and start enjoying it and making it enjoyable for others.
I'm not technically a D42 rider, but I was until this year, and my team (PDO) is based in Richmond. You are not alone in worrying about declining participation. What attracts me most to races is the type of race (because I prefer flat crits) and the quality of the event (because I want to do well against big, competitive fields). Quality in this case means the field the event is likely to attract, and also how well the event is organized and run. Prize money has no influence on my decision. (I don't think prize money should be awarded in an amateur sport, but that's an entirely separate topic). Advertising for most races is abysmal, as I have almost never had a flyer mailed to me directly about a race in D42. The district should require flyers be sent to all racers! Another idea- WV promoters put together a race schedule and package tentative race flyers in December. This package is available (for free!) from the state of WV (by calling 1-800-CALL-WVA). What about doing the same for VA? I'm sure the state would be willing to participate (as it promotes tourism). This does mean the calendar and flyers would have to be done early.
All races should have a separate Cat 5/citizens mens race, and a separate Cat 4 womens race. Nothing is more discouraging than going to your first race, and getting crushed by competitors that have been racing for years, and are in a higher category any way. (This is especially true for women). You don't have to offer much (or any) prize money, just put the event on. Allowing beginning racers to compete at their own level will help keep them coming back to races. (Training races, particularly evening ones, are not necessarily included in this requirement).
I am not sure that the problem with lack of racers at races has anything to do with race "fatigue" or course burnout. There are many good races and race courses out there, and just because you've done a race for the last couple of years doesn't make it any less interesting. I think there is just a total lack of racers out there. Teams like Team Richmond, TBA, and James River used to be huge, and are now down to just handfuls of riders. (Though probably just down to the racers that actually went to races). I think the sport of road cycling as a whole doe a terrible job of attracting new racers. Some suggestions - teams should align themselves with local bike clubs. This is a good way to attract new racers, as it gives the club rider who is the competitive type a goal to shoot for. I think another source to attract new racers is from collegiate teams. While junior programs are important to develop riders, many juniors seem to drop out after high school. Collegiate racers are an ideal group to recruit, as they have raced before, are the right age group to attract, and generally have the time and money to put into the sport. (They haven't gotten married with the attendant kids, house, etc). Advertising/recruiting directly from collegiate teams should be a good idea. Promoting a combined collegiate/USCF race in the spring (as some of you do) is a good idea as well. Also, collegiate riders, effective this year, are required to have a USCF license.
MORE Track racing :).
The category race I would like to see is age graded category (ex. 30+ cat 4,5)
My 2 cents: Amateur racers don't "need" prize money, at least not much over covering race entry fees & gas, maybe. Lower purses would mean lower entry fees, making it more affordable for MORE people to race more often. If people really need the money, let'em go pro. (that's the definition, by the way of "professional" racer, no?: one paid to race.)
I think we need marketing outside of the racing scene. We need to go to gyms, universities, bike clubs, anywhere where athletic people hang out and tell about these opportunities! Also, Linda Mack has had very good success with the cat 4 women's series. I think this is due to letting entry level women race with each other, something that doesn't happen much. I need to talk to her more about how she got women to show up for the first few events. Also, a similar junior program is very much needed. I went to a VCU Cycling meeting and we are going to try to get a women's ride going where women can learn about pack riding,etc.
Comments: D42 is the worst I've seen in regard to the disproportion between entry fees and prize purses. You can't expect quality competition to show up for outlandish entry fees and piddly prize purses just because it's a BAR event. And you wonder why participation is down?!?
This is not, however, to say that the races that are put on are badly run - on the contrary, several (like the Jefferson Cup) are quite good. It's just that the incentives aren't there sometimes to make the travel costs worth it.
Another stone in my shoe is the way the courses are frequently designed. Where are the mountains? They're all over the place in Virginia, but you never see them in the courses. And it CAN be done - we managed to put on a kickass road race for the collegiate season, very selective. Anyone can sit in the pack all day just to sprint by for the win. Let's design some courses that don't allow any one to hide. That's what crits are for, if that's the kind of pansy tactical attitude one should have....
Please don't take my ranting for a bad attitude or a lack of respect for the fine people who put on races; it's just that, having finally been given an opportunity to express my opinions, I'm doing so with no gloves on because that's frequently what it takes to get the point across. I'm sure that they do the best they can with what they're given. But if it's answers you want as to why everyone's going somewhere else to race, these are all reasons that I've heard people grumbling about since I moved here, and I'm afraid I have to agree.
Bill - nice survey! Races participated in do not exactly match my desired types of races due to the infamous "road rash". Another comment, I'm working hard and hope to be very competitive for the 1998 season, primary goal to upgrade to Cat 3. I am a bit dismayed that the Cat 3's were lumped in as a category 1,2,3 for almost all races in 1997. I certainly hope to see some of the riders sandbagging as 4's upgrade, as well as more races with a seperate Cat 3 category - as I hope to be riding in it late next season!
Oh, by the way your Virginia Cycling Association Web Page is outstanding...I get virtually all my race info from your page and from the D42 E-mail list. Outstanding job, keep it up (but not at the cost of training!!!)
Bill I would rather see smaller races with smaller prize lists than I didn when I was racing full time. I suppose this is because I now hve a " real life " ( Job and kids ). When I move here from New England in the early 80's if the prize list was $1000 for a cat 4 race we thought it was all the money in the world. We need to get back to racing bike because we like it not because there is a big priae list.
Even though I am a northern Virginia (D20) racer, I race in more D42 events than I do in D20 events, I thought you would not mind if I filled out the attached form. I actually prefer D42 events (I never did and still don't understand the logic in splitting Virginia into two districts) because of superior sponsorship and many attempts by D42 race promoters to sponsor races for 50+. You all do great work in D42. How do we get Virginia, back in Virginia?
I would like to see more Cat 3 events, since I am considering upgrading over the winter. I am kind of squeamish about having to race against Cat 1's and 2's. I would like to see more omnia and stage races or series races.
I think that a concentrated effort to have/advertise group training rides in the Hampton Roads area might help to build a pool of racers, especially in the winter. Since moving from a strong cycling area of the country this has been one of the factors missing here. Some of us Road riders have an elitist type attitude towards other riders, this area of the country does not seem to have enough riders to have this attitude.
I don't know if I can answer the survey since I have never participated in a race. I am just a wannabe! Really... I do have a comment if I could make one. I would like to see some introductory training or something to help get a beginner going. Everything from picking out a bike, how to enter a race, what the different races are like, the categories, bar points, etc. I suppose there are probably people like me that are interested but unsure of how to get started. I don't think one just jumps into a race as a newbie without knowing some of the basics and having practiced some. Like for instance... I read about a training group in a bike mag and they were going out to a soft field and practicing "bumping." Things like that...
If the event is a good one (e.g. Toona, Dividing Waters, or even James Madison if it was remote) then I will travel as far as I could in a day. Someday I would travel even further if I get good enough to be competitive in higher Cat. events, but most riders on my team think more than 2-4 hours is too much. Try to get weekends set for long-standing races so we can plan our season around known dates. Examples: Saturn Cup weekend is Memorial Day Weekend, Tour de Toona is last July weekend/First August Weekend, Killington is Labor Day Weekend, Tour of Appalachia is July 4 weekend, and so forth. At least these are the dates I have seen and I THINK they stay the same. This helps in planning without conflict. This may already happen, but for me it worked out very badly to have rescheduled all the VA State events. I couldn't attend any of them due to prior work committments because I had things already scheduled for the new dates!
It seems like a lot of roadies are turning to off road(mtb) racing. Is there any way to combine the two events? We are thinking of doing something like that for the Freeze Your Butt Off. Maybe a "Mountain Cross" event.
im a guy that cant travel to races outside hampton roads...wife and 2 small children i live on the southside (va bch) and i think it is pretty sad the number of races that go on here. it is getting better though maybe the southside cant support it for races in the area, are there enough 3s to make just a 3 cat race and then a pro 1 2 ?? most likely not ?? maybe for a couple of races this summer a format change would be fun....i competed this past summer back in iowa and they did a day of races that consisted of about a 15 mi. crit, (then the other cats would follow suit ie womens juniors masters at lesser distances) then a 15 lap sprint fest where after the 5th lap, every other lap was a preme lap there was no messing around...these folks horsed every race along and made sure the day did not drag out, and also that the riders didnt have a few hours to completely recouperate before now doing sprints both the crit and the sprint laps counted for combined points and the winner was tallied after sprint race. it was a kick to my butt my lungs were hanging out of my nose by the time it was all through i realize, that with a sizable crowd, scoring becomes very difficult you get my point though enough from me!! take care.....
What makes races like the Carolina Cup, Michelin Cup, and the Tour De Toona so popular? Exposure and marketing. It takes time for an event to build a name. Consistentcy of good event each year will build a name. I believe that the BAR points degrades riding as a "team" and makes the sport more individualisitic. Look how collegiate cycling has become very popular, it's based on team points from individual places. Bigger purses will bring more people. The Saturn Cup gets on the phone and invites pros to race. I don't think mailing out a flyer after the late fee cut off date is enough time for folks to decide on entering that particular race. Get those flyers out in a timely fashion, treat the race like a business and promote it! Make an effort for each cycling team to contribute marketing D42 as the place to race.
WE NEED MORE JUNIOR RACES, Juniors are our future. Soccer and baseball is not having this attendence problem. They have very efficient "feeder" systems. Cycling does not. Va. should have some incredible cyclists, right now, b/c of the Tour DUpont in the past years. The enthusiam (sp?) that race generated should now be paying off in lots of riders in their late teens and early 20's. WE desperately need a "feeder" system.
Even though, I am no longer racing, the athletes that I coach are concerned with the lack of racers. I remember when I was a cat. 4 in 87 & 88 and I had to pre register for all races, b/c they would be full on race day. I can't remember a time when the cat. 4 field was below 100 every weekend. Now, the cat 4's are lucky to have 40 racers. That is absolutely terrible. There are a lot of things contributing to this, but I'll tell you one thing. The races are too hard for the cat 4's and 5's . They should be shorter. Personally, I think all of the cycling races are too long. The problem with this sport is you have to give up your personal life, family life and everything else if you want to do well in Cat 2 and above. Really , even cat.3. WHY? The races are too long. If the race distances were shorter, a racer would not have to train as hard. Therefore, being able to maintain a "real Life". Now, MAke the Cat.2 & 1 races long and hard, b/c if those guys want to be really good, then force them to commit. The rest of the races should be shorter. Also, I personally believe that prize money SHOULD NOT be given out to anyone below Cat. 2. This whole prize money thing is ruining the sport, b/c there are tons of Cat. 4 's out there that think they can make it to pro, b/c they have won some $ in the 4 races. It is perpetuating a myth. Right now, there is NO real money in Pro Cycling in the U.S. and racers in lower categories should strive to improve, but also realize that there is more to life than cycling. Sorry for the ramble, but after having made the big leagues, so to speak, and becoming one of the top Pros in the country and not really ever making any money , I am sorry that many others are thinking that they can make $ and be a rich cyclist in the U.S. I have friends that are on the highest paid team in the U.S. (postal and saturn ) and are making less than 10g a year in salary. That is ludicrous. Anyhow, it starts at the bottom and Junior racers should never be paid $ to win races. WE need more Juniors ! I came from a BMX background and I never won any $ in 7 years of racing.( I got loads of trophies though) ONLY pros won $. Not amateurs.
I think we need to further revise the BAR calendar, so that local events make room for larger, more prestigious out of state events (i.e. not only Nationals, but big races such as Carolina Cup & regional races of that caliber).
Also, I believe that the Team BAR competition should be for only one team & include points from each team's top 3 in all classes.
Finally, I think we should try to combine our BAR with the BAR series in MD/DC & make it a regional level BAR. Or perhaps this could be a regional version of the World Cup, where there would still be each state's BAR, but this would be the SuperBAR!!!
I believe that enforcing the mandatory upgrades would increase participation. I know it's no fun to continue to race against the same people and continue to get creamed every week. The vast majority of us who race do so with the idea that one race we may get the chance to win or place, only to have the same people grab the glory.
Women's races in Virginia have had very small fields in the past couple years mainly because not that many women are USCF racers in this state. So I am willing to travel to other states for larger fields. This is a racer development issue , more than one of advertising, entry fees or prize lists.
Overall, however, I think more age graded categories would be welcome among men (over age 30) who race, I have heard this opinion voiced many times at races. Everyone could race together, but be scored separtely by age category.
We have tried for years to improve racing in this area. Frankly, I think it is a problem with increased popularity of Mt. Biking. I know DC has had good race attendance but look at their population size compared to ours. Do they have a higher percent of the population racing. Hope you come up with something that works. I have always thought that all races counting towards the BAR would work the best, with points based on number of participants.
I respond to represent a small (but growing) number of racers in NE N. Carolina who do the majority of their racing in Tidewater, VA. We have a first year club for '98 which will include a number of new Cat 5 riders being coached and encouraged by a couple of slightly more experienced guys. Our group would like to see more age grading and categories when possible. We would like to see the return of the training race series early in the season and could probably field a small team for the Twilight series if it returns this year. We hope to get some good experience and start upgrading early.
I live in Sterling (in d20) and mostly did d20 events. Considered doing some events in tidewater area, but wasn't worth it to me to drive 2 + hours to do a 20 mile crit. If, they were longer road races, I might have been able to recruit some teammates and then I would have done them.
The CCRR was one race we really liked. More races like that would be nice.
I am trying to get into racing. However, I work a rotating schedule and it is difficult to attend some of the races. I have attended a few group rides, only to discover they were more like races than rides. I am a rider in training and can't get caught up in a hammer fest drilling my HR over 180 every Sat AM. It just doesn't seem as if there are a lot of beginners out there who can group together to develope their riding ability. So I do a lot of riding alone constantly waiting to break into racing.
I'm not sure that the level of participation is down because of of dwindling participation. In D20 we had more rider days with fewer riders total. I rather wonder if it isn't because you guys have all those mid-week races down in tidewater
good luck.
Also, I wouldn't put too much faith in the responses you get back. People ususally write down what they think is the desired answer, or an answer that they feel is politically correct, rather than the actual answer. For instance I hear nothing but grousing about high entry fees, but when you do the statistics on the races, there is no correlation with attendance and entry fee.
It seemed like a lot of races were cancelled at the end of the season, it would be nice to have some more late season races.
I think there are a couple of problems with attendance. Combining 4/5 discourages the 5's from coming back. Combining 1/2/3 discourages and makes it hard for 4's to upgrade, which in turns makes it harder for 5's. I realize that more categories dilutes the prize list and makes for long days, but think it would pay off in the long run. Maybe promoters can work together and have a Saturday race with a few categories and different Sunday race with the remaining categories.
I am against combining d20 and d42 for the State/District Championships. The large fields make it difficult to know exactly who you are racing against. It has to be a nightmare for the officials.
My primary source of race info is your website - Keep up the good work, I appreciate it!