VIRGINIA State Time Trial

Stoney Creek, Sussex Co., VA

First Rider off at 9:00 AM

	Juniors*	20 K
	Senior 1,2	40 K
	Senior 3	40 K
	Senior 4,5	40 K
	Masters 30-64*	40 K
	Masters 65 +	20 K

	Juniors*	20 K
	Senior 1,2	40 K
	Senior 3,4	40 K
	Masters 30-54*	40 K
	Masters 55 +	20 K

* - Medals will be awarded to the top three ELIGIBLE places in 2-year increments for Juniors and 5-year increments for Masters.

ENTRY FEE: $14 for Juniors, $17 for all others. Unlicensed riders add $3 for One-Day license fee. Entry fees include $2 USCF insurance and $1 District Association surcharge. Unlicensed riders add $3 for One-Day license fee. Add $3 late fee to register on race day.

ELIGIBILITY: Only Virginia residents and U.S. Military stationed in Virginia are eligible for medals.

COURSE: Simple out & back on Rt. 301, with one turn-around.

REGISTRATION: Registration opens at 7:45 AM and closes 15 minutes before the start of each division. Since the number of riders in each division is unknown, it is strongly advised to plan to register by 9:00 AM. All entra nts must present a current USCF license. One-Day licenses are available at registration for unlicensed riders.

All USCF rules apply. Riders under 18 years of age must have a parent or legal guardians signature to register. ANZI Z90.4 or approved equal helmets are mandatory.

This race is conducted under a permit issued by the U. S. Cycling Federat ion.

There will be some Port-A-Johns, but bring your own water!!! It is also recommended to bring a trainer to warm up on. You may warm up on Rt. 40 or the other direction on Rt. 301.

DIRECTIONS: Exit I-95 onto Rt. 40 West (South of Petersburg). Turn left onto Rt. 301 and look for the signs.

Send USCF entry form with check payable to Commonwealth Cycling Club to: CCC attn: David Lee 9717 Dove Hollow Lane, Glen Allen, VA 23060. For more info, call David Lee at 804-755-6357.