Results of the Conte's Summer Sizzler Criterium

Sunday, August 10, 1997

Masters 30+             No. Riders = 7

1       James Schaefer          L0036785        HDK, Manakin-Sabot, VA
2       Charles Tunnell         L0070613        BCG, Chester, VA
3       Marc Plourde            L0066137        DC Velo, Midlothian, VA
4       Mike King               L0152256        THR, Chesapeake, VA
5       Dave Venable            L0053758        THR, Hampton, VA

USCF 4/5                No. Riders = 24

1       Mike King               L0152256        THR, Chesapeake, VA
2       Chris Brooks            L0137286        Conte's, Virginia Beach, VA
3       J. R. Simpson           L0098449        Langley AFB, VA
4       James Burdick           one day         Virginia Beach, VA
5       Noel Meadows            L0137490        Midlothian, VA

Masters 38+             No. Riders = 15

1       Ron Whitenack           L0011126        JRVS, Newport News, VA
2       Walter Gardner          L0065607        Conte's, Hampton, VA
3       Marc Plourde            L0066137        DC Velo, Midlothian, VA
4       Stuart Fielding         L0154337        THR, Smithfield, VA
5       David Wilson            L0011264        DC Velo, Yorktown, VA

PRO,1/2/3/4             No. Riders = 22

1       Keith Johnson           L0066584        Conte's,Virginia Beach, VA
2       Cam Holland             L0120568        HDK, Newport News, VA
3       Terry Ashby             L0033118        Powerbar, Richmond, VA
4       Kirby Newman            Pro 1226        Richbrau, Richmond, VA
5       Robert Powell           L0121293        HDK, Newport News, VA
6       Charles Tunnell         L0070613        BCG, Chester, VA
7       William Taylor          L0139215        CCC, Richmond, VA