Results of the Amelia Crit
June 21, 1997
Women 3 riders
1 Michelle Holland HDK Newport News, VA
2 Sarah Grier Velo Pro Richmond, VA
3 Pam Zimmerman TBA Norfolk, VA
Pro/1/2/3 24 riders
1 Terry Ashby MVC Richmond, VA
2 Rui Ponte NJBC
3 Cam Holland HDK Newport News, VA
4 John Stambaugh MVC
5 Ross Barber Velo Pro Richmond, VA
6 Todd Roberts Gold's Gym
7 Ryan Barrett Unattached
8 Bradley Fabre Unattached Australia
9 Matt Tranduc Team Richmond Richmond, VA
10 Gerald Burkett HDK Hampton, VA
Cat 4/5 39 riders
1 Jonas Hall-Gariano Chisolm NC
2 Frank Haranzo BRBC
3 Gerry Roach Commonwealth
4 Troy Smith BRBC
5 John Bernard BRBC
6 Jonathan De'Alti Beltway BC
7 James McCockill Commonwealth